A farrier that has a diary, books you in advance and turns up! Martin has a fabulous relationship with the horses and his attention to detail and work overall is to be applauded. The horses’ wellbeing is his priority, couldn’t be happier.
Hoof Trimming
With no hoof, there is no horse.
As a specialist in barefoot hoof trimming, I provide personalised hoof care for your horse or donkey and work with veterinarians to give your maned friend the best quality care.
There are many benefits to barefoot trimming. In many cases it helps the horse achieve an optimum hoof that is able to adapt to and cope with the environment in which it is living. I’ll help to pinpoint any issues with your horses’ hoof, help you identify lameness and recommend the best course of hoof care.
Being an advocate for barefooting my preference is this, however I will always recommend what is best for you and your horse.